Bride Almost Missed Her Wedding After Allergic Reaction To Bouquet

As Christine Jo Miller picked the white and green wildflowers to use as fillers in her bouquet and wedding trellis, she had no idea what an affect they’d have on her nuptials.  But it turns out, the flowers, called “snow-on-the-mountains,” are actually poisonous and they caused the bride to have a severe allergic reaction on her wedding day.

Christine picked the flowers the Thursday before her wedding and worked on them until six in the morning the day of her wedding, but they didn’t have an effect on her yet.  It wasn’t until she washed her face before getting ready for the ceremony that she broke out in a rash and she says “it all went downhill from there.”

Her face, neck and arms were red and bumpy, her eyes were watering and burning, and despite following advice from her bridesmaids who are nurses, the Benadryl and allergy meds didn’t help.  But the scariest thing is that Christine lost her eyesight too!  Somehow she trudged through the ceremony and then immediately rushed to the hospital, where she was treated and warned she was lucky she didn’t have permanent eye damage.

On the way back to the ceremony, the groom stopped at Target and bought his new wife a pair of pajamas that say “Bride” so she could be comfy for their first dance.  They danced, cut the cake and then rushed out of there so Christine could sleep after her health crisis.  TV show host Steve Harvey heard about her story and is throwing the couple a Disney Dream Wedding to make up for it, so this bride gets her happy ending after all.

Source: Women's Health

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