The New "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Movie Trailer Is Here.

If you were watching “American Idol” Sunday night, you got a special bonus – a first look at the new trailer  for “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” 

The clip features Chewbacca – who Hans says looks great for being a 190-years-old – and Lando Calrissian, played by Donald Glover.  While we’re not exactly sure about the plot, it seems that Woody Harrelson’s character has recruited Hans for a mission involving Paul Bettany as an important gangster.  Along for the ride are Lando, Chewie, Thandie Newton, and Emilia Clarke, a woman with whom Hans seems to have some history. 

“Solo: A Star Wars Story” hits theaters on May 25th.  Check out the trailer below.

Source: USA Today

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