Kids' Summer Jobs And What They Get Paid For Them

While a lot of kids probably hope to spend their summer goofing off and having fun, many will still be responsible for their daily and weekly chores.  Some of them will even be earning money doing them.

Rooster Money’s new “Kids Allowance Report” finds that kids will earn $110 in allowance this summer, or an average weekly allowance of $8.43.  Of course, they say some chores pay more than others, and the site has revealed the Top Ten most lucrative chores, with mowing the lawn topping the list at $8.06.

Top Ten Most Lucrative Chores

  1. Mowing the lawn - $8.06
  2. Washing the car - $5.05
  3. Gardening - $2.91
  4. Cleaning windows - $2.84
  5. Mopping the floor - $2.17
  6. Cleaning bathroom - $1.85
  7. Cleaning kitchen - $1.67
  8. Tidying bedroom - $1.66
  9. Looking after pets - $1.65
  10. Hoovering (a.k.a. vacuuming) - $1.60

And the good news, they also say that many kids won’t be running off to spend their allowance first chance they get.  In fact, kids are saving 37.3% of their allowance, with the average savings goal at $140.  Not surprising, a lot of them are saving up those dollars to spend on devices.  The top things kids are saving their allowance for include:

  1. Tablets
  2. Lego
  3. Cell Phones
  4. Nintendo Switch
  5. Xbox 

Source: Rooster Money

PHOTO:  Getty Images

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