Popular Store May Be Making A Comeback!!

Well, that was fast! Less than a year after Toys 'R' Us was liquidated by its lenders, those bigwigs have now stated that they're hoping to find a way to relaunch the beloved retail brand. According to bankruptcy documents filed Monday, plans to auction off the company's intellectual property have been nixed; instead, Toys 'R' Us assets will be reorganized into what Bloomberg calls "a new company that will maintain the current license agreements and invest in new retail operating businesses." While the courts have authorized canceling the auction, it's unknown when or how the brand might officially be relaunched.

Meanwhile, it seems Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci is championing those laid-off Toys 'R' Us workers who are still seeking severance pay after the company was shut down in March. According to The New York Post, The Mooch's Skybridge hedge fund--which invested in Toys 'R' Us' debt before the brand was shuttered--is now interested in forming a hardship fund for laid-off employees.

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