Girl Has To Wear Panda Onesie To School Because Of Allergies

Instead of her school uniform, nine-year-old Lily Mason from Nottingham, England has to wear a panda onesie to school.  Why?  She suffers from Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAS), a syndrome so bad that the wrong fabric, food or even smell can send her immune system into “overdrive,” causing unpredictable, painful allergic reactions.

Lily’s mom, Joy, started sending her to school in the panda onesie after she was left in “immeasurable pain” when a burning rash broke out all over her body while wearing the school uniform.  According to Joy, her allergy triggers are unpredictable and even change day-to-day, but the panda onesie was the one thing that didn’t cause a reaction.  But they’re not sweating her going to school in the unorthodox uniform, since they just care about her well-being.

She was just diagnosed with MCAS last year, and her mom says the condition is still mysterious to her doctors.  Since it’s so unpredictable, they’re still discovering her variety of allergy triggers.  Just like the onesie, Lily sticks to the few foods that don’t bother her, as well . . . which means that her diet consists of just nine foods, including wraps, yogurt, potatoes and rice milk.

You can see pictures of Lily in her cute panda onesie, just click HERE

Source: Daily Mail

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