Back in the old days, when kids wanted to talk to Santa, they had to stand in incredibly long, boring lines at the mall to get a couple minutes of his time. And to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas or to explain their behavior for the last year, they’d have to sit down and write out a letter to mail to him. But these are technologically advanced times we live in and now little ones can leave St. Nick a message with one quick phone call.
From now until Christmas Day, kids can call Santa’s 24-hour hotline and leave him a personal voicemail message. It’s a service available through and after listening to a message from Santa himself, kiddos can leave their own message for him. The phone number from the U.S. is (605) 313-4000, but the hotline’s website has a list of numbers to call from other countries and languages.
And if you use your cell phone to call, you’ll get a text message back from Santa with a copy of the recording, so you can listen or share with grandma. The kids will understand that Santa’s so busy making toys in the workshop that he can’t stop to answer the phone, but they’ll love getting to tell him how good they’ve been and exactly what they hope to find under the tree.
Source: Lifehacker
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