App That Creates Fake Nude Photos Has Been Shut Down

After widespread backlash, a disturbing app that uses artificial intelligence to produce fake nude images of women is being taken offline.

According to the anonymous creator of the app who goes by 'Alberto,' the app was taken down because of the potential abuse that could arise from the technology. 

In the free version of the app, the output images had a large watermark and a stamp that says 'FAKE' was placed in the upper-left corner. However, the watermark was removed in the paid version, which costs $50.

'Despite the safety measures adopted (watermarks) if 500,000 people use it, the probability that people will misuse it is too high,' reads his tweet.

Creators say the app will no longer be offered for free or otherwise, and the creators said they will not release any other version, nor will they grant the app's usage to others.

The app, called DeepNude, removes all clothing from any uploaded image of a woman, which raised fears it could be used to blackmail unsuspecting victims with fake revenge porn threats.

Source: DeepNude

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