Winchester Public Safety Trunk-or-Treat Happening October 30

The Winchester Police and Fire & Rescue Departments will host the annual Public Safety Trunk-or-Treat event on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Shawnee Volunteer Fire and Rescue station, located at 2210 Valor Drive in Winchester.

“Trunk-or-Treat is one of our favorite annual events. It’s not only a safe, central location for area children to get Halloween candy, it’s a great opportunity for kids to meet the officers and firefighters that protect our community,” stated event co-organizer Melodie Repass, a crime analyst for the Winchester Police Department.

Public safety personnel will be distributing candy, playing games with attendees, and displaying emergency vehicles. The Winchester Police Department’s Volunteers in Policing will be onsite to provide free children’s fingerprinting services and to host the pedal car and DUI goggles activities. McGruff the Crime Dog, Red E. Fox, and WPD K9s will also make an appearance.

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