Museum Had A Creepiest Doll Contest For Halloween And The Winner Is . . .

October brings out the creepy in all of us. This is the time of year we always look for the scariest and creepiest things around us. A Minnesota history museum is getting into the spirit of the season.

A Minnesota museum held the creepiest doll contest. The museum has some of the creepiest looking dolls in the world in inventory and they looked for the public to crown which one is the creepiest. 

Many of the doll's freakiness begins with the eyes. Some have movable eyelids that snap open when you lift the dolls up. The paint has chipped off the face of another contender, leaving it looking like a mummy. Every one of them is scary in their own right. However, it's important to remember that the dolls weren’t intended to be frightening when they were made, but damage from play and the passage of time have turned them creepy.

The winner was announced yesterday. See it for yourself . . .

Source: New York Post

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