Girl Scout Cookie Season Is Here...And There's A New Cookie

There’s a lot of good food out there that will try and tempt us to break our New Year’s resolutions to eat well, get healthy and lose weight, and now you can add Girl Scout cookies to that list.

Girl Scout Cookie season officially kicked off yesterday, and in addition to everyone’s favorites like Thin Mints, Tag-Alongs, and Samoas, a new cookie is entering the mix this year. The 2020 lineup now includes the Lemon-Ups, a crispy lemon cookie that features eight phrases inspired by Girl Scouts, like “I’m a go-getter” and “I am an innovator.”

The new cookie is now being offered in select cities, replacing the Savannah Smiles in those markets. It isn’t the only lemon cookie offered. The Lemonades cookie, a shortbread cookie with lemon-flavored icing, is also offered in select Girl Scout council markets.

  • And Girl Scout cookie fans may also notice a difference in their cookie packaging. While the cookies remain the same, the packaging got an upgrade, with updated images featuring Girl Scouts taking part in a diverse range of experiences offered to them.

Source:Girl Scouts USA

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