How To Feel Your Best After A Bad Night Of Sleep

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Didn’t get enough sleep last night? It happens to the best of us, whether it’s from staying up too late to watch one more episode of your show or just from tossing and turning all night. Beyond leaving you yawning and feeling tired the next day, your mood and productivity can take a hit after bad sleep, too.

Sleep experts share things we can do to recover from that lingering tiredness and boost mood and performance, too:

  • Have your daily cup or two of coffee - Sticking with your usual morning caffeine fix is fine, but sleep expert Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum warns that going overboard with the coffee can have a negative effect on sleep. So don’t overdo it or you could be in for another night of tossing and turning.
  • Fuel up with protein and healthy fats - A lack of sleep leads to a lack of energy and that could kick your cravings for sweets and processed snacks into high gear. And while the sugar will give you a quick boost, it’s only a temporary fix and may be followed by a crash, so sleep coach Dr. Zeke Medina recommends loading up on things that will keep blood sugar steady, like nuts or veggies with hummus.
  • Soak up some sun - Neuroscientist Dr. Allison Brager says our sleep system “resets” through early morning light exposure, so after a night of inadequate sleep, try to get outside and get some rays to help you stay alert.
  • Try a power nap - Just keep it brief, somewhere between five and 30 minutes. Experts say that’s long enough to combat sleepiness and improve emotional regulation, without interfering with that night’s sleep.
  • Walk it off - As tempted as you may be to take a lazy day after a restless night, Brager says staying active will be more beneficial. Moderate exercise, like walking, promotes wakefulness, increases blood flow and it’s not so strenuous that you’ll be sleepy afterwards.

Source: Mind Body Green

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