Guy Cuts Village Power Repeatedly So He Can Secretly Meet His Girlfriend

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For weeks, the people of Ganeshpur in India had to put up with frequent power outages that only seemed to occur a few hours after sunset. No one seemed to know what was causing the problems, as the power company had not reported any power grid malfunctions, and none of the neighboring villages were dealing with similar issues.

Exasperated, many in the villages started paying attention to the time when the outages occurred and came to the conclusion that power always went down after dark. They started to suspect foul play and came up with a plan to investigate… 

One night, after the electricity went out as it often had over the past weeks, a number of Ganeshpur residents formed a search party and decided to search the village for answers. After combing the streets, they reached the village schoolyard where they discovered two lovers trying to keep their relationship secret. As it turns out, the man, who happened to be an electrician, was so desperate to keep their love a secret that he cut the power for 2-3 hours a night every time they met, just so people wouldn’t see them. 

After admitting to sabotaging the entire village for weeks, the naughty electrician was reportedly beaten up, then paraded through the streets as punishment. Luckily, the story does have a happy ending, sort of. After finding out about their secret romance, the village elders basically forced the two lovers to marry.

Link: Oddity Central

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