Photographer Reveals Details About Hardy’s Tour Bus Accident

Hardy was involved in a serious tour bus accident earlier this month, and now a photographer, who was also on the bus, is sharing some more details about what happened. Tanner Gallagher was one of the four people injured when the bus crashed and shares on Instagram that it almost killed him.

"It seems like this happened so fast, but I feel the need to talk about it officially…," he writes. "Last week, we had one of the most terrifying accidents happen to us." He said the bus was going 70 mph when it ran off the highway and flipped into the woods, with him, Hardy, his tour manager Noah and driver Ricky on board.

"Within what felt like 3 seconds, our bodies were thrown across the room knocking us all unconscious," he writes. "By the grace of God, we all survived. My injuries included a shattered foot, a punctured lung, four broken ribs, and a fractured vertebrae in my neck." He adds, "I was told numerous times by doctors that it was a miracle that we survived… and that'll make you think" noting that it gave him some perspective on life. 

“As scary and life threatening as this accident was, I'm glad I now have a better outlook moving forward, and it's only going uphill from here," he said. "I know this accident could have been a lot worse, and for that i'm so grateful. I'm also incredibly thankful for every message, prayer and every person who helped me over the past week, it meant the world."

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