Cashiers Reveal The Items They Secretly Judge You For BuyingOc

Ever been afraid the cashier at the store is secretly judging your purchases? Well, they are. BuzzFeed asked cashiers to share the items they judge customers for buying and they didn’t hold back.

  • “I work at a higher-end home and garden store. I hardcore judge the rich white ladies who buy a $500 painting and then return it the next day because it 'didn’t work in the space.”
  • “I used to work at a grocery store. One time, one of my coworkers had a couple come through her line buying groceries, beer, and baby formula. They ended up not having enough money on them to pay for everything, so put the baby formula back. My coworker ended up getting fired because she went off on them.”
  • “I would always judge the people who justified their orders to me. Like, I don’t care if you’re doing keto and want butter coffee or a heavy whip frappé. Stop telling me your entire medical history and tell me the size.”
  • “I once worked at a small, upscale home goods store and had a guy come in reeking of weed (no judgment; I love my edibles too!). He said he made tacos and his house smelled like tacos — his solution? He bought $250 worth of scented candles.”
  • “When I worked at Home Depot, we had a customer come and try to return a used toilet seat, saying it wasn't as comfortable as he had hoped. I judged, hard.”
  • “People who buy their kids candy at 8 p.m. and wonder why they’re wired.”
  • “My local cashier loves to comment when I buy chips and candy. They'll ask, 'Chips and that dinner?' And the times I don't buy those items, he asks where the chips and candy are today. He's done it literally eight times in a row, and it makes me so anxious, I've stopped going there.”
  • “I once had a garage sale, and a lady came looking for a baby gift for her neighbor who had just given birth. I had a baby blanket I was selling for $5 and suggested that. She replied, 'No thanks, I don’t like her THAT much!' SMH…”

Source: BuzzFeed

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