Here's How To Indulge Without Gaining Weight This Holiday Season

Sticking to a diet is tough any time, but during the holidays? It becomes even more challenging because who wants to pass up all their festive favorites. But there are things you can do so you can still indulge without gaining weight. Registered dietitian Laura Burak recommends these tips to help you do it.

  • Stand by your own “non-negotiable” rules - Burak suggests setting what she calls “non-negotiables” - rules and limits that work for you most days of your life, regardless of the month or holiday season. They will help keep your weight where you’re comfortable and so you can indulge without seeing a drastic difference on the scale.
  • Hydrate first thing every morning - Start your day with a big glass of water and don’t stop there. Keep drinking water all day because staying hydrated helps you maintain balance and better portion sizes of rich foods.
  • Move every single day - Being active is another factor that helps prevent weight gain, be it during the holidays or any other day of the year. A quick bike ride, yoga class, or walk after dinner doesn’t just help the waistline, it helps you sleep better and eases stress, too, which can be especially helpful in the holiday season.
  • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals - This will help keep your hunger and blood sugar levels in check, which makes you much less likely to grab a handful of chocolates from the breakroom at work.
  • Focus on food items that matter most - With all the food around this time of year, it’s easy to mindlessly snack and those calories add up quicker than you realize. So Burak recommends indulging in your favorite holiday foods and getting exactly what you want instead of grazing on foods you don’t really care about.
  • Hold yourself accountable - To keep track of what you’re actually eating, try a food journal. “Accountability and seeing what you’re doing during chaotic times is very helpful for not gaining weight while also indulging in the foods that are extra rich during the holidays,” Burak explains.

Source: Eat This, Not That

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