Winchester's Patsy Cline Remembrance Weekend - March 4 and 5, 2023

March 5, 2023, marks the 60th Anniversary of Patsy Cline's death, who died tragically in a plane crash in 1963 near Camden, TN at the age of 30. Patsy Cline was on her way back to Nashville, TN from a benefit concert for popular disc jockey “Cactus Jack” Call in Kansas City, MO. The 4 passenger Comanche, flew into inclement weather and crashed into a bank of trees, killing Opry stars, Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins, and Cowboy Copas, as well as pilot and Cline’s manager Randy Hughes. The nonprofit 501(c)3, Celebrating Patsy Cline, Inc. will be holding two events to commemorate the 60th Anniversary.

 On March 4, Celebrating Patsy Cline will be hosting a Meet and Greet with Patsy’s daughter Julie from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM at the Patsy Cline Historic House. Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the Patsy Cline Historic House and meet Julie. Admission for the Meet and Greet is by Donation. 

 On March 5, a 60th Anniversary Celebration of Life will be held at Omps Funeral Home chapel at Shenandoah Memorial Park, where Cline is buried. The 60th Anniversary Celebration of Life will begin at 3:00 PM in the Chapel followed by a visit to Cline’s grave. The ceremony will include light refreshments, music by Liz Ruffner, and a prayer by Cline’s cousin, Pat Brannon. The keynote speaker will be Joyce Jackson, Jim Reeves’ secretary and longtime friend of Patsy Cline. All are welcome to attend. Individuals not able to attend in person may join via Facebook Live.

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