Carrie Underwood Dropping New Music, Announces Deluxe Album

Carrie Underwood's most recent album, "Denim & Rhinestones," has been out a full year - and fans will be excited to know that she has been busy creating new music. But - a new album is not forthcoming.

Instead, Carrie announced Friday that she was releasing a deluxe edition of "Denim & Rhinestones" with six new songs tacked on to the twelve songs already released. On top of that, Carrie gave fans a taste of the new music, releasing a new song, "Take Me Out." Her current single, "Out Of That Truck," is also one of the six new tracks. 

The deluxe edition of the album will be available September 22. Check out Carrie's new song, Take Me Out," below.

Source: TheBoot

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