TSA’s Top 10 Best Catches Of 2023

We’ve all complained about long security lines at the airport when we’re rushing to catch a flight, but the Transportation Security Administration has their work cut out for them trying to keep everyone safe. While you may have gotten to the security checkpoint and realized you still had a corkscrew or a bottle of perfume larger than 3.4-ounces in your bag, plenty of people are trying to smuggle contraband onto a plane and thanks to the TSA, they tend to get caught.

The TSA just revealed their Top 10 Best Catches of 2023 in a series of tweets. These are the craziest items people have tried to get through security this year and a diaper filled with 17 bullets, which was found at LaGuardia Airport last month, didn’t even make the list.

10) Naruto throwing knives - These were found in a carry-on at Boston Logan International Airport.

9) Replica rockets - Discovered in checked luggage at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

8) A knife found inside a loaf of keto bread - This creative attempt to make it through security happened at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

7) A bag of meth found inside a container of crab boil seasoning powder - This wasn’t the “well-seasoned plan” the person at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport thought it was.

6) A 35 millimeter projectile - This was a big one! It’s a “type of massive ammunition used in anti-aircraft guns” that was found in someone’s carry-on at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, and then collected by the bomb squad.

5) A knife found inside a prosthetic leg - The TSA says this Anchorage Airport find wasn’t “the sharpest idea.”

4) A firearm fully loaded with 163 rounds of ammo - The only gun on the list was discovered at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

3) An IED CO2 cartridge - This was found at Sacramento International Airport and could have been used as a pipe bomb, according to the TSA.

2) Marijuana was found inside a diaper - Back in October, an adult woman wore a fully loaded diaper through security, but it was loaded with weed.

1) An inert IED hidden in an energy drink - The TSA’s best catch of the year was this bomb made in a can of Bang energy drink, discovered in a carry-on bag at the Tulsa International Airport in January. Luckily, it was only a replica, but no explosives can be taken to the airport, real or fake.

Source: Daily Mail

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