Footage Captures Snakes In A Plane's Overhead Bin

“Snakes On A Plane: Reality Edition” left one plane full of passengers horrified when a slithery serpent emerged above an overhead bin on a flight from Bangkok to the island of Phuket. Terrified witnesses spotted the 2-foot-long snake when it emerged mid-air Saturday afternoon.

After panic ensued, one heroic flight attendant simply reached up and captured it with an empty plastic bottle, pushing it into a plastic bag. The scaly guy was then locked in a cupboard for the rest of the flight. When the plane finally arrived at Phuket International Airport boarded, ground staff came and got the slithery stowaway before any passengers could depart. Turns out it was a Blanford's bridle snake, a harmless creature native to Asia. Since no one fessed up to bringing a snake with them, the mystery remains about how it boarded the plane in the first place.

Source: Daily Mail

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