Here's How Using Your Partner's Love Language Could Save Your Relationship

All relationships have bumps in the road. But experts say you can make that road a lot smoother by making sure you and your partner are speaking the same language…love language, that is. Author and relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman says the key to a solid foundation is to figure out your partner’s love language and show them affection that way.

You and your partner will fall into one of the following five love languages:

  • Words Of Affirmation – Since this means your partner appreciates compliments, make sure you tell them how great they are often.
  • Acts Of Service – If your partner feels most loved when someone helps them complete a task, jump in and give them a hand when they need it.
  • Receiving Gifts – A partner with this love language feels most appreciated when they’re given something tangible…anything from a trinket to flowers to a card in the mail.
  • Quality Time – This is all about clearing time in your schedule to be with your partner and not take that time for granted.
  • Physical Touch – If your partner melts when you hug them or hold their hand, make sure you lean into lots of physical contact.

Source: Your Tango 

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