Divorce Lawyer Reveals Professions With The Most Cheaters

Things can get pretty messy when a married couple calls it quits, and no one sees more of the dirt than the divorce lawyers. Kate Simonds is one of them and she’s coming clean about one particular thing she’s learned on the job - the professions that are most likely to be unfaithful.

The attorney with Simonds Law Group in Arizona has sparked a debate on social media after revealing the five occupations she says have the highest percentage of cheaters. Simonds shares the most common jobs of those who cheat on their spouse on Instagram Reels, based on her experience. She starts with number five - pilots and flight attendants, followed by men in the military in fourth. Bartenders are third, with police officers coming in as the second most-likely profession to cheat.

So which job has the highest number of unfaithful workers? According to this divorce lawyer, it’s firefighters, “for sure.” While Simonds is just sharing what she’s seen in her own profession, some commenters were not happy with her disclosure.

  • “As a female firefighter, I have to disagree,” one woman writes. “My bros don’t cheat.”
  • “Character, not career,” another shares. “Look at the person’s character.”
  • “Videos like this put doubt into weak-minded people and in turn create issues where there weren’t any previously,” comments another. “Do better.”
  • But some users chimed in to say they’ve personally been cheated on by people in these professions and one woman jokes, “Well shoot… my husband is a commercial airline pilot AND a volunteer firefighter.”

Source: NY Post

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