Tips for Navigating Winchester During Apple Blossom

City Schedule

City offices will be closed on Friday, May 3. To pay bills (personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and utility bills), visit the city's pay online web page or drop your payment in the available drop boxes.

Jim Barnett Park Rec Center will be closed on May 3-4.

Joint Judicial Center (courts) will be closed all day on May 3.

Braddock Autopark will be closed from noon on Friday, May 3, through midnight on Saturday, May 4.

WinReady will run on schedule with limited access to downtown. The Loop and Laurel Ridge routes will NOT run May 3-4.


With street closings and parking restrictions during the Bloom, the City’s downtown parking garages are the best alternative. These garages are one block from the parade route and the Midway. During the festival, no cash will be accepted in the parking garages. Payment must be made with a card. No reserved parking tickets will be sold.

A parking fee of $20 will be collected at the gate. Event fees in Autoparks (George Washington, Court Square, and Loudoun) start at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 3, and 8 a.m. on Saturday, May 4. The Braddock Autopark will be closed at 12 p.m. on Friday, May 3, through midnight on Saturday, May 4. Once the gate is closed, vehicles will not be able to enter or exit.

Road Closures and Detours

View the Interactive Road Closure Map for May 3–4

Friday, May 3

Mid-Way – 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Piccadilly St. between Cameron St. and Braddock St.

Loudoun St. between Fairfax Ln. and Piccadilly St.

Kid's Bloomin' Mile – 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Hadley Blvd. between Service Rd. and Braddock St. / Valley Ave.

Valley Ave. / Braddock St. between Handley Blvd. and Jefferson St.

Jefferson St. between Valley Ave. and Tennyson Ave.

Firefighter's Parade – 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Handley Blvd. between Cameron St. and Stewart St.

Stewart St. between Handley Blvd. and Germain St.

Germain St. between Stewart St. and Washington St.

Washington St. between Germain St. and Piccadilly St.

Piccadilly St. between Washington St. and Braddock St.

Braddock St. between Piccadilly St. and Cork St.

Cork St. between Braddock St. and Cameron St.

Fireworks – 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Handley Blvd. between Service Rd. and Braddock St.

Valley Ave. between Handley Blvd. and Jefferson St.

Jefferson St. between Valley Ave. and Tennyson Ave.

Saturday, May 4

Apple Blossom 10K – 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Braddock St. between Valley Ave. to Fairfax Ln.

Fairfax Ln. between Braddock St. and Washington St.

Washington St. between Fairfax Ln. and Handley Blvd.

Handley Ave. between Braddock St. and John Handley High School (JHHS)

Jefferson St. between JHHS to Valley Ave.

Valley Ave. between Braddock St. and Bellview Ave.

Jubal Early Dr. between Valley Ave. and Loudoun St.

Mid-Way – 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Piccadilly St. between Cameron St. and Braddock St.

Loudoun St. between Fairfax Ln. and Piccadilly St.

Grand Feature Parade – 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Handley Blvd. / Gerrard St. between Cameron St. and Stewart St.

Stewart St. between Handley Blvd. and Germain St.

Germain St. between Stewart St. and Washington St.

Washington St. between Germain St. and Piccadilly St.

Piccadilly St. between Washington St. and Braddock St.

Braddock St. between Piccadilly St. and Cork St.

Cork St. between Braddock St. and Cameron St.

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