Study: Saving Small Amounts Of Money Can Help You Sleep

Some of us would give just about anything for a good night’s sleep, but new research suggests all it takes to get it is saving a little money. According to a new study from the University of Bristol in the U.K., saving money regularly, no matter how much, can actually help improve sleep and optimism about the future.

Researchers with the university’s Personal Finance Research Centre analyzed several studies, including one that tracked the savings of thousands of people for a 10-year period. They found saving even a small amount every month helps people relax and boosts life satisfaction. The study suggests this is because saving helps people feel less anxious about money, makes them less likely to experience debt problems and better able to cope with unexpected expenses.

The study reveals that low-income people who regularly save have similar levels of life satisfaction to richer people who don’t save. Researchers point out that other life events have a bigger impact on mental well-being than saving, like moving or getting married, which have a much more positive effect, while losing a job or having kids can have a negative effect. But saving a little money regularly could be the quick fix to help us stress less and sleep better.

Source: BBC

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