Phase 2 In Virginia Starts This Friday - Full Guidelines Have Been Released

Governor Ralph Northam also announced that most of Virginia will move into Phase 2 of reopening this coming Friday, June 5.

Executive Order 65, signed by Northam on Tuesday, establishes the guidelines for Phase 2, which call for the following:

  • The original 'Stay at Home' order is a 'Safer at Home' strategy, calling for people to continue social distancing, teleworking, and requiring individuals to wear face coverings in indoor public settings, in accordance with the executive order signed last week.
  • Virginia's 10-person limit on gatherings will be expanded to a 50-person limit, and all businesses still need to adhere to physical distancing guidelines, frequently clean and sanitize high contact surfaces, and continue enhanced workplace safety measures.

Specific business changes are as follows:

  • Restaurant and beverage establishments may offer indoor dining at 50% occupancy
  • Fitness centers may open indoor areas at 30% occupancy with fitness equipment separated by at least 10 feet
  • Certain recreation and entertainment venues without shared equipment may open with restrictions. These venues include museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, and outdoor concert, sporting, and performing arts venues.
  • Swimming pools can open up to both indoor and outdoor exercise (like lap swimming), diving, and swim instruction. (Splash pads, saunas, hot tubs, etc. must stay closed)

The current guidelines for religious services, non-essential retail, and personal grooming services will largely remain the same in Phase Two, including 50% capacity in both retail and houses of worship, and health restrictions for personal grooming services.

Overnight summer camps, most indoor entertainment venues, amusement parks, fairs, and carnivals will remain closed in Phase Two.

You can find the full Phase 2 guidelines for specific sectors HERE. The order at that link details mandatory requirements and recommendations for all sectors, including, for instance, the specific signage requirements for restaurants.

Find out more - Click HERE

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