A Florida woman is using social media to dispel myths about living with a disability. Emily Rowley was born with a rare disorder that caused her arms to never fully develop, but that’s never stopped the 21-year-old Florida resident from doing, well … pretty much anything. She knows people are often curious about how she manages to do things, but are too polite to ask, so a couple of years ago, she started making TikTok videos to share how she lives with her disability.
Emily first went viral for reenacting a time when a server asked her to take her feet off the table in a restaurant. She’s also posted videos showing how she drives (yes, she has a driver’s license), how she writes and draws and cooks and … you get it. And she usually ends them with an enthusiastic “thumbs up” from her big toe.
She says that people who comment on her videos are mostly encouraging, but it is the Internet, so people will say things that are unkind. She’s not discouraged. She’s comfortable with who she is and when someone says something offensive, she just laughs it off. Sharing her life with the world has been a mostly positive experience and it’s allowing her to satisfy people’s curiosity on her own terms.
Source: TampaBay.com