Certain foods that you consume can have detrimental effects on your skin and Food Network has consulted with a nutritionist to list 15 that are potentially harmful that you may want to stay away from or only eat in moderation.
- Doughnuts – grease and sugar are a bad combination for healthy skin.
- Soda – beverages high in sugar can damage the formation of collagen.
- Fried Foods – can promote puffiness and have negative effects on circulation.
- Alcohol – can dehydrate your skin leaving you looking washed out and sunken.
- White Rice – high in the glycemic index and better to eat it with a high protein component.
- Candy – too much processed sugar can promote inflammation.
- Salty Snacks – leads to retention of water that affects the skin as well.
- Coffee – can also cause dehydration that can magnify the appearance of fine lines in skin.
- Movie Theater Popcorn – fake butter, sodium and high calories are detrimental.
- Processed Meats – high sodium and fat are troublesome for healthy skin.
- White Bread – another high glycemic index food that has been linked to acne.
- Condiments – full of sugar and sodium that should be eaten in moderation.
- Sweetened Teas – another drink with tons of sugar that can damage collagen production.
- Mayonnaise - Omega-6 rich oils found in mayo can increase inflammation.
- Energy Drinks – caffeine and sugar are another bad combination for skin.
Source: Food Network