Butterball Introduces Turkey Comfort Calendars With Turkey Tips

Thanksgiving is only a little more than a month away and turkey producer Butterball has introduced a “comfort calendar” with 24 days of tips to make your Turkey Day preps easier and more successful.

In the past the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line was available to customers with phone assistance but according to Nicole Johnson, director and 22-year veteran of the Talk Line, “We’ve harnessed more than 40 years of Turkey Talk-Line expertise – to create this daily resource for often-overlooked holiday hosts.”

Don’t panic – the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line isn’t going away – it will be back for the 41st year on November 1st and the Butterball Turkey Calendar is available until tomorrow at ButterballComfortGiveaway.com, but quantities are limited – so act fast!

Source: Foodsided

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