How Many Calories Burn When You Walk 10K Steps

In the era of fitness trackers and heart monitors, we’ve all heard about the importance of hitting that magical mark of 10K steps each day to keep our butts in shape…but how many calories does that milestone equate to? Registered dietician Kim Yawitz says the 10K step goal first became a thing in the 1960s but has really gained steam over the last decade…and the only real significance to the otherwise random number is that the “Japanese character for 10K resembles a person walking.” How many calories you’ll burn with those 10K steps depends on your size. As a reference point, a 200-pound man might burn 400-to-500 calories working those steps through a day. That calorie count will be lower for people who weigh less…and higher for those who weigh more.

Source: Men’s Health 

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