Chuck Barris, whose game show empire includes "The Dating Game," ''The Newlywed Game" and "The Gong Show," is dead at the age of 87.
Chuck Barris' publicist says he died of natural causes yesterday afternoon at his home in Palisades, New York. At one point he was supplying television networks with nearly 30 hours of entertainment a week, mostly in five-days-a-week daytime game shows. He called himself "The King of Daytime Television" and wrote his autobiography, "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," in two months. In it he claimed to have been a CIA assassin. The movie based on that book was George Clooney’s directorial debut.
What many don’t know is that Chuck Barris worked backstage at “American Bandstand” and that led to him writing the hit song “Palisades Park” which was recorded by Freddy Cannon.
Source: Variety