The Chris and Lori Show

The Chris and Lori Show

Listen to The Chris and Lori Show on Shenandoah Country Q102 Weekdays from 6-10am on our iHeartRadio App!Full Bio


There's An Easy Way To Test Your Health With This Quick Challenge

There’s a quick way to tell how your health is . . . through your poop. Tim Spector, a professor at King’s College in London and author of “The Diet Myth,” wants us to track our health through our gut. It’s simple, make muffins with blue food coloring in them and then eat two. track how long it takes for the dye to come out. The longer it takes, the more likely your gut health isn’t terrific. Don’t forget to use a timer and jot down your results, Get your poop personality on the Blue Poop Challenge website.

PHOTO: Getty Images

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