The Chris and Lori Show

The Chris and Lori Show

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Hikers Shocked To Find Lost Dog 30-Feet Below Them In A Cave

Dog tired to chase cat or squirrel standing under tree

Photo: Getty Images

Some happy pet news has come out of Indiana. A group of hikers was exploring Dewey Hickman Nature Preserve when they saw something moving 30-feet below them in a cave. Further inspection revealed that it was a dog that somehow had gotten trapped. From there, the rescue was on. After repelling down, they saw the dog was friendly, but emaciated. Animal control estimated the animal, later learned to be named Hawkeye, had probably gone two weeks without food. After the dog was nursed back to health, local media got the word out, and Hawkeye’s owners were found and everyone’s living together happily and healthily.

Source: The Dodo

Here's video of when Hawkeye was reunited with his owners . . .

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